Thursday, September 6, 2012

From Everlasting To Eternity...

It is possible that I am insane.


The church service I attend is doing a "creatives project" whereby people with skills and interests in creative projects (writing, drawing, painting, design, etc.) put together a project based around our faith. The topic they've chosen is the Apostles Creed, and the line that I picked to work with is the last (second last?) one of the creed - right before 'Amen':

"I believe in the life everlasting".

So I went and googled "everlasting", just to see what came up. And got "eternity" as a comparable search.


Non-Australians might recognise it as a signature of the 2000 New Year celebrations in Sydney, and the 2000 Olympics. Australians will probably know the 'Eternity' tag as the artwork of Arthur Stace, former soldier, petty crim, and alcoholic, who became a Christian in the 1940s and died in the 1960s, but not before he'd graffiti'd this all over Sydney – they estimate he did it around half a million times.

Fitting, don't you think?

And then there's the Eternity puzzle - a mathematical puzzle that some brainiac with too much time and not enough children on his hands decided would be fun to make everyone scramble around to find a solution for.


209 blocks. That are made up of composites of 30-60-90 triangles. And could be sewn in straight rows (when all put together).

And, hey, there just happen to be around 240-something Kona Solid colours...

Kona color card
picture c/o Penny Poppleton's Flickr, used with permission

I thought I'd put together the EternitySolution as the quilt background (equilat triangles in rows), and hand-quilt 'Eternity' onto it. Perhaps with a small text reference to Ecclesiastes 3:11...

It would be due at the start of November.

Well, I told you it was insane! maybe I won't use every Kona Solid under the sun (apart from being ruinously expensive, it'd undoubtedly get tricksy, what with the subtle shades and all). But I have the better part of three FQ packs in my collection and I could mix those in with the rest of my stash...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can't believe you're going to try to quilt that! It's going to be awesome!


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