Saturday, February 22, 2014

Shattered Star - FINISHED

Well, this hasn't happened in a while - a post that isn't WIP Wednesday!

I feel like I've been making this forever! Probably because I promised Jenn of Penny Poppleton that I'd pattern test at the start of summer and then got...distracted by everything else going on. So I didn't actually start this until January!

Pattern testing for @pennypoppleton

And the HSTs went on forever.

Pattern testing for @pennypoppleton: I think I might have too many HSTs...

It's not really, it just feels that way, with all the HSTs.
Yesterday's efforts: feature fabric HSTs for @pennypoppleton's ' Shattered Star' #quilt and 5 episodes of #AlmostHuman

So many HSTs!

shattered star - blocks

And I don't count my HSTs as I make them, so I have no idea if I have enough or if I need more!

And then I discover that, yes, I need more. And that I'm out of the exact feature fabric I used before, and that I'll have to improvise a little.

shattered star - recalculated blocks

But slowly, it all starts to come together!

shattered star

Just not as clearly-defined as I'd like!

shattered star

Nevertheless - and with a little bit of emergency repairwork for a corner that was seriously short (as in, a 1/2" short of fabric along the diagonal - I finally made a big push to bring it all together!

shattered star quilt

Assisted by an adorbsable, yet unhelpful cat:

And may I present my lovely yet unhelpful pinning assistant, Miss Maladicta! #cats #quilt

I admit, I wasn't very pleased by the lack of definition of the central star in the first pictures I took after I completed the quilt:

shattered star quilt

But in broad daylight and hung out to be viewed, the star does appear - and looks wonderfully subtle - as Jenn herself predicted over on instagram!

Finished Quilts 2014

It's a ginormous quilt. about 85" square - but it'll be great for a queen-sized bed!


I try to answer every comment made, but if I forget to respond to you, I sincerely apologise! Thanks so much for coming by and commenting!