Tuesday, July 23, 2019

First Monday Of The Month

So, I haven't blogged here much at all the last couple of years. Too many other things to do, including fret about the state of the world.

One of the reasons I stopped blogging my quilting and slowed down was because I didn't have the old WIP Wednesday to keep me going. The quilter who was running it got busy with kids and family and her shop and stopped doing WIP Wednesdays. I think she said it was going to be temporary, but I haven't seen it kick back in.

So I'm going to start doing First Monday of the Month (and maybe Mid-Monday of the Month) to get myself back into quilt blogging. I like talking about my quilts and quilt processes, and yes, it takes a bit more time but even a picture and a quick ramble is sometimes good.

And no, I'm not an instagram influencer, intent on my life being visually elegant. It'll be messy and awkward and very much not instaperfect. I have no photographic training, just an eye for what I like (which isn't necessarily what other people like).

So I'm going to try First Monday of the Month in just over 2 weeks. No muss, no fuss, just some progress on my projects. Which means I need to have projects and I need to have projects. So. That should get me moving...

1 comment:

  1. Please do - I just like to see what other folks out there are doing and I like the record of ones own activities to refer to.


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