One postage stamp quilt. Signed-up 3rd January, finished 30th January. Fastest turnaround time I've ever had in a quilt, I think!

The finished top!
It's the scrappiest quilt-top I've ever made - usually, I select specific fabrics and the pattern is very organised. But the decision to use a range of light-coloured fabrics rather than a single fabric or several identically-shaded fabrics makes it look very scrappy - like it was made from lots of little odds and ends.
If you look at some of the other quilts in the quilt-along, you'll see what I mean.
I didn't have time to put together all the in-progress posts while I was making it, so here's some catch-up along the way!

The cut strips laid out in blocks, but not yet sewn together.

The cut strips laid out in the overall quilt pattern, but not yet sewn together.

Finished blocks.
I got 50 quilt blocks out of the strips, and it took 49 to make the quilt-top - 7 rows of 7 blocks. It's a pretty big quilt, too - about 70"x70", and visually busy.
It's also the first quilt top I've finished that doesn't automatically have a recipient. So I could save it for a rainy day, or gift it out to someone. I was going to auction it off for the Queensland floods, but I've donated to the flood appeals for Queensland, Victoria, and put an equal dollar amount in to Medecines Sans Frontieres for international medical aid. So maybe I'll save this one for a rainy day?
Although I do have a friend I promised a birthday quilt to back a couple of years ago and never got one done for her...