1, 2, 3, Go Momo!
The top is complete and ready to quilt!
This was a superfast quilt to put together - great for a mix of fabrics with large and small prints - although next time I might pick a fabric line with more solids or reads-as-solid fabrics.
And the weather was a touch windy when I was photographing it outside...
The pattern was 1, 2, 3, Go! from Modern Basics - a book that looks like it's going to become one of my staples for simple-yet-fast quilts.
I'm going to send it off to the quilter next week, along with California Girl and possibly a couple of other old tops. (Blocky Heirloom, Modern Maze in French Lace Batiks, and Build Me Up Buttercup!) I've had a lot of tops lying around for way too long and I want them done and out of my workshop!
Works In Progress:
Wonky Farm
The name of this one keeps changing because I couldn't remember where I got the pattern from. I finally worked out that the book is Fresh Fabric Treats - the Summer Sorbet Quilt by Rachel Griffith of ps. i quilt.
'Summer Sorbet' is not really a name that suits the colours or the fabrics I'm using, so I'm going with 'Wonky Farm'. (Even though it's just chickens.)
These pieces have sat around for at least a year - I cut them up and started piecing them while we were renovating in 2012...and then I got a job. And they got tucked away and never touched.
Now to do the nine-patch blocks and put the quilt together.
USA Hurray!
Blocks cut and diagonals drawn.

(picture c/o Sydney Southern Cross Quilters)
Now it's just the slow process of making up the HSTs, and then the broken dishes.
Buttercup Beermats
Well, coasters, as we call them in Australia!
All trimmed!
These are teeny-tiny HSTs - 1.75" square - and I'm going to make little coasters from them - kind of mug rugs, but only about 5" square.
Thinky Thoughts:
A name for my Honey Mermaids quilt (Mendocino Mermaids in Elizabeth Hartman's 'Honey' pattern): A Madness Of Mermaids.
Still need a design (stylised, bold) for the Egyptian fabric - quilt name: The Black Land. (It's a worry when I have a name for my quilts but no actual pattern or work done. :(
And I just realised it's less than 2 months to my trip to the US/Italy! I gotta get a move on with these!
What've you been doing this week? Have you posted a link over at Freshly Pieced?