Finished! (ish)
Pacific Rim Cushion Covers
I got the applique completed - not as nicely as I'd have liked, but still good! And very pretty! :)

I was hoping to get the Pan-Pacific Defence Corps logo on the back, but it was just more effort than I could manage - the bird-design is kind of tricksy!
Now that I've done applique, the next time I think of a mad project like this it should be easier, right? :)
USA Hurray!
So, finally got the hourglasses sewn together, cut, pressed, and trimmed! Ugh, how do I hate trimming? Let me count the ways! But using the power of friendship (*cue magical girl sparkly sequence*) I managed to distract my mind long enough to let my hands complete the task.

Sewing them together is a bit of a braintwist, though, because you have to get them the right way around, and because my colour scheme is not as random as the Charm Crossing (Moda Bake Shop) pattern, I have to be careful which way they go together.
But I have enough of them for a queen-sized quilt, easily. Possibly even two, given how the numbers are stacking up!

I'm not going to get this done before I go; my best hope is to have the top completed, and be able to show it to my friend (and apologise for not having it done before this).
To Do
Tiger By The Tail
A gift for my hockey coach, who's been my team coach for the last three years. The basic design is hourglasses and nine-patches in orangy/yellows and browns.

She’s a fan of the Balmain Tigers in the Aussie NRL and I thought that the orange-and-black colour scheme (obviously tiger colours, as well as team colours) and the name would be highly appropriate for her! Another woman on my hockey team has done some quilting before and offered to help out, seeing as I’ll be away for the next five weeks...
I'm thinking I need more browns/blacks for this. It may require a trip to the LQS... Oh the horror!

The next five weeks are going to be very quiet on the quilting front, because I'll be travelling across the US and northern Italy, so not too many WIP updates. I'm taking some hexy handsewing, so hopefully that will occupy me a little in my travels. :)
What have you been doing this week?