Like, seriously, FOREVER. I'm so tired of sewing teeny tiny seams and feeling like I never get anywhere!

Little pieces, little pieces, little pieces...

So much planning...
This goes with that...

And pieceing...
Sewing, sewing, never stopping...

And laying out...
This fits just there...

It's enough to drive one batty!

And yet...progress is being made.
The shape of it is starting to fill out. It feels like it's moving towards being quilt-shaped...
Even if there's still a lot to do.

As in, a LOT to do.

But we persevere.
It's slow progress, but progress nevertheless!

And when I get a chance to stand back and look...

Yeah, that's kind of what I imagined it would be like.
Do you have a WIP Wednesday that you've been working on? Would you like to link to it in the comments?