It is Wednesday, I have WIPs, and I have a fabric swap proposal for anyone who happens to have some Mendocino Mermaids fabric and would like to swap it, possibly for a different print in the collection.
More on that after the WIP.
Baby Season
Two quilts for a Baby Shower next weekend (after Easter):

One is probably a he. The parents are 99% sure, but they keep repeating there's always the possibilty that the check is wrong! The other is...unknown. But I decided I'd just make them gender-neutral ones anyway. Gender neutral is always safe, and either way ze (gender neutral pronoun) will be sure to get plenty of other 'colour-coded' stuff from family and friends!
Disappearing Nine-Patches are nice and easy. And yet so effective!

I've reserved around half the layer cakes for the backing - simple squares, I think, nothing fancy. Although maybe I could do a stack-and-whack...? That could be interesting...
At any rate, lots of sewing together this weekend and quilting next week!
Mendocino Swap
I'm looking for some Mendocino Mermaids fabric and am willing to swap more Mendocino Mermaids fabric for it!
These are the ones I don't have and want (these are scraps):

And these are the ones I have and will swap:

Not selling any right now, although later in the year, most definitely! (And there will be giveaways.)
Finally, have a picture of a kitty 'approving' the mermaid fabric. Kitteh Buttstamp of Approval!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.
How about you? What's your WIPs looking like this Wednesday?