First things first. YUCK FLICKR, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??? To quote a young friend of mine: I CAN'T EVEN.
I'm really kind of pissed off about the fact that it automatically lists the setting as 'embed' rather than 'HTML' - no, I don't want people to go scrolling through my Flickr, thanks.
Anyway. I guess one more thing that I'll have to learn to work around... *grr*
Do You Know Where You're Going To?
Sewing HSTs together so they make perfect points!

I think I'm doing okay.

Aaaand the close-up!

More to come next week - I've been a bit lax this last week. Got busy, got sick, still busy and still sick.
Mondrian Dreaming
I've cut a bunch of squares, but there are even more yet to be cut. *sigh*

To Do

There's the 'hexies' block from Hexa-Go-Go: I'm gradually going to put together a 4x4 of that for a throw.
And there's the pieces of the Passacaglia Quilt I'm planning for next year's quilt show entry.
And of course, tape measure for determining about how large the show quilts were going to be (mostly guessing, seeing as they're not yet done), and gluestick for sticking together all the little photocopies of the Passacaglia pattern so that I could fit lots of them on an A4 sheet for printing out on cardstock and turning into paper piecing templates...
It never stops. NEVER.
How about you? Hopefully you're less frustrated/exasperated/exhausted than I! And have better WIPs in the bag!