Back in the swing of things!
And so: a finish!
1, 2, 3, Go Momo!
On the lawn of the new house:

I was hoping to get something rigged up to hoist it for better photography but no time and equipment! This is at Kim Bradley Creations, during the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild's Sunday Super Sew-in.

I put the binding for this quilt aside when I first made it, and I'm so glad I did: it looks so
good with the binding in the matching colours - and the short, colourful lengths.

I called it "the sherbet binding" while making it, because that was what I thought of while putting it all together...
My cats are particularly pleased by it...or rather, by the fact that I've left it lying around, suitable for lounging on.

Quilting Area
It's a mess right now, between sorting and packing and selling my IKEA EXPEDIT (where I've been storing my fabric these last couple of years).

Most of the fabric is now packed away, and I've decided to put the finished tops away (I was hoping to manage to put some backings together) but I'm cutting up scraps and trying to finish a couple of small projects and bind some of the quilts that have come back (apart from MoMo, I have three other quilts that need binding)...
My sister (B2) moves next Wednesday, which means I need to have my sewing area all cleaned up so she can get the piano out. Then the Saturday after that, my other sister (B1) and I move out into our new house. It's going to take some getting used to: we've grown up in very large houses, and this is really a very small one. Adjustments will be necessary.
Floor Quilts
I have managed a mess of scrap cutting:

These are being turned into quilts for going on the wooden floors of the new house. Don't want rugs - they're awful to clean cat vomit off. Solution: make darkly colourful floor quilts, then wash as necessary.
I can even change 'rug' designs as I please!
The Passacaglia
Have started basteing again. Remembered why I stopped: these pieces!

I have decided I really really hate the B-pieces of the passacaglia. One very acute angle, one very obtuse one, and the fabric never seems to co-operate. *grr*
I'm going to start sewing through these ones; they're just too fiddly and annoying, and they need to be, at the least,
decent so they sit right in the rosette centres.
To Do (before moving)
- bind California Girl quilt
- bind Spinning Diamonds
- make at least one floor quilt top
Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced!