It's been a month of finishes - or it will be, once I actually quilt and bind my two show quilts. Rush rush, time's getting on!
At the Sydney MQG sew-in:

Complete! (With butt-stamp of approval by cat.)

A glimpse of the 'feature' block:

And choosing backings:

I think I'll go with the bees and the butterflies and the flowers to separate them...
The Promises Of Spring
a.k.a. "The Snowflake Block quilt"
Y-seams are exhausting things; especially when you've cut the corners on your blocks!

But the overall effect is pretty stunning:

Although I'm not looking forward to filling all that whitespace - especially since I tore a muscle in my left calf at hockey on Sunday and am now limping through life - and will be limping for at least the next month... Free-motion quilting on a longarm is usually a breeze...this time, it's probably going to be a chore...
millefiori madness
Very little progress on this and no photos...
Do you ever get depressed by how productive other bloggers are? Those women who have photo after photo after photo of quilting and crafty things in a neverending stream? I'm feeling a little flat about my own output lately.
So how are your WIPs going? Linked up to one of the linky posts of the week?