Tops are done. Although not in this pic, where I took the opportunity to grab all the sisters in my life and stick them into the photo as models:

From left to right, B1 and Smokey, and B2 and Mal. The cats had to be lured with snacks, but seemed okay to sit there once they had one. Mind you, the moments before this were a bit of a circus! Oh, and excuse the bad lighting and the messy living room! :D
The finished quilts, with cats:

Swarm by Sel

Full post here!
And it's being entered into the Quiltcon 2016 show. I don't think it'll make it - too geometric, not abstract enough. But what can you do?
Supernova Friendship Block Swap
I'm missing one of my swap partner's blocks, so I'm going to have to fill it in myself.

I think my swap partner and I had fairly different fabric and colour ideas, too. While I love batiks, I adore BRIGHT ONES and she wanted very complementary colours, while I like a theme of colours with a little riot in the middle of it. As a result this quilt's colour palette is very unsatisfying for me.
I'll probably add another four blocks to the side and possibly also some sashing and posting with bright pops of colour, just to give it zing.
Birthday Block Swap
Do I remember how long ago this swap was? Nope. I didn't get all the blocks from it either. And I don't know what I was thinking in choosing the block. Ugh. Oh well, finish and give away, maybe? Possibly split them up and make another set of sibquilts? That's a thought!

Maybe make three or four quilt tops from this set - for a larger size family? Looks like I'm going to have more nine-patches in my future!
Also: cats and quilts and photography:

Oh, Smokey.
Plain Jane Passacaglia
There's a submission for Australian Millefiori Quilts that's due in March next year. TO THE MILLEFIORIMOBILE!

Also, as it turns out, this week's rosette matches not only my nails, but also my needlebook!
I Am Unmoved
Christmas presents
1. parents: NOPE
2. stepbro and SIL: NOPE
3. stepbro: NOPE
4. B1 & B2: NOPE
One of those days, those NOPEs will be YEPs. In a month or less because
Relatives are getting soaps and scrubs and suchlike. Yes, even the guys. Guys have skin and get dirty too, and IMO if their masculinity is impugned by washing with 'fancy' soap, then it's a pretty damn fragile construct of gender, ain't it?