Finished Tops
Birthday Block Swap
It took three years, but it's finally done! And now I have to work out what I'm actually going to do with it. It's not my style at all, not something I particularly want to keep, so...into the donation pile, perhaps? I need to find somewhere that will take quilt tops and turn them into quilts for charity...

Did all the blocks while at the Sydney Mod SQuad December super sew-in - good times, good hangouts, good people!

It's been a pleasure sewing with you ladies, and I look forward to sewing with you and the others in our group next year!
Supernova Friendship Block Swap
Started another block at the Mod SQuad super sew-in:

The colour is awful - excuse the lighting.
The little things to the side are a set of coasters I'm making as a gift for a friend in Germany out of scraps. I have no shortage of scraps...
Plain Jane Passcaglia
Another rosette!

I think I'm going to have to set myself 30 minutes a day sewing these. 30 minutes a day sewing these and I'm set for the new year!
1 Hour Baskets
Mass production of hour baskets takes longer than 1 hour. But that's mostly because I umm and ahh over the fabric choices and colour combinations. What if it looks AWFUL?!?

Three were done on Friday night (the fourth one, I miscut the lining, then forgot to compensate)!

They were perfect as last-minute gifts for a baby shower I had on the Saturday morning.
Now I just have to finish the 4th...
Gertrude Made
I bought two dresses from Cathi during her
Gertrude Made sale at the end of November - both size 12.

They're lovely dresses, however the waist is very short and I have a very long waist, and I think size 12 is a little large on me. However, size 10 would probably be
snug. It seems I am (unfortunately) a size 11, which makes nicely-fitting dresses an iffy proposition on me. (So does all the food I love eating...)
Still, they’re lovely 'lounging' dresses for when I want to be pretty but relaxed.
I need to make some petticoats for them - something to fluff out the skirts a little; it'll improve the look significantly I think!
I Am Unmoved
Christmas presents
1. parents: NOPE
2. stepbro and SIL: NOPE
3. stepbro: NOPE
4. B1 & B2: NOPE
This week is the Supernova Friendship, and the Parental Christmas Gift (because I just know it will take longer than planned; it always does).