Okay, I got 2/3 of my list done during the 1st Quarter of the year; let's see how we do with the 2nd Quarter. Unfortunately, the list is getting rather longer and more complicated...
Duct Tape Galaxy (Technicolour Galaxy) - completed quilt
This is the 2015 Block of the Month by Alyssa Lichner at Pile O'Fabric, and it's a stunner!

I've done blocks 1-5 so far, and am working on 6-8 now, although I imagine 9-10 will be the tricksy one.
I submitted this for the Sydney Quilt Show, so the pressure is ON!
Break Free or Build Upon? (I Want To Break Free) - completed quilt

As it turns out this will nicely fit with the Pantene Color Of The Year 2017: Greenery. It wasn't intentional, it just ended up this way.
I also submitted this for the Sydney Quilt Show 2017. Again, the clock is ticking!
Commissioned Quilt - completed top
For a friend in the Netherlands who would like a quilt for her daughter before the daughter leaves for her 2nd year of uni in Canada. Deadline is August, but I'd prefer to get it done before that.
Summer Meadow - completed quilt
I finished the top, now I have to quilt it before the wedding, which is on the 29th April...

Roman Blinds
My father has asked for me to make Roman blinds for his unit. I'm going to look into how long it's going to take and decide on whether or not to tell him yes or no. Looking at my to-do list, this isn't going to happen anytime soon, and I think he wants it pretty soon.
Yeah, I think that's a long enough list!