I spent about half the weekend out in my garden, getting things done. Planting trees and prepping beds and working out what to do about the major major slug problem I have. Ugh, slugs.
On the other hand: BEES!

Sewing my fingers off to get these done in time. Once again, last minute saves the day.
So I'm sewing these things everywhere:

And I do mean everywhere:

But, boy, am I getting tired of last-minute! And this is why I'm not going to sign up for Round 2. I might just slowly keep sewing a couple of flowers a month and eventually, when I'm old and grey and not actually a granny, I'll have enought for a a grandmother's flower garden quilt. Except I'll still have to sew it all together and...oh dear...

Not Like The Folks Next Door (sewyourstash mini)
No movement.
mini swarm by Sel
I still had blocks left over after making Not Like The Folks Next Door, so I've managed to use all of them (nearly all of them) in another mini.

It's more of a lap quilt, really. Or maybe a baby quilt. A baby quilt could work; I owe at least one!
Righty-o: looks like this is destined for the kid who I haven't yet given a gift to.
Honestly, my friends are having babies faster than I can gift things. STAHP! STAHP NAO!
Other things
So, I have finally made an effective cat trap:

Perhaps not quite as effective as I might like, since it takes a while to persuade her to stay in the box and not walk all over my projects...
Still, Massdrop was terribly clever to make boxes just large enough for the one of my cats who likes boxes to fit in! *grins*
Lizzy House - Meadow Quilt Class
This Saturday I'm doing a course with Lizzy House - the Meadow quilt class in Sydney! And looking forward to it quite a bit. Except that I really need to choose my fabrics and my background and my neutrals, and I think there might be a requirement for freezer paper and ARGH SO BUSY WHEN WHAT HOW TIME UGH NOOOOO...
What's your progress this week?