Sorry for the absence! I haven't been unproductive, just busy - dealing with health, dealing with life, dealing with other activities, and prepping my entries for the Sydney Quilt Show 2016!
Fireside Bowl Bag
Completed! And quite pretty, if not as stiff/structured as I'd like.

I'll take it to the Sydney Quilt Show on Thursday - lots of space to carry purchases! *grins*
I've started work on the curtains for our house - the dining room curtains in a Jewel Box pattern using RK Essex Linen and
Reece Scannell shot cottons:

At the same time, I've started on one set of curtains for the loungeroom - again, RK Essex Linen, although this time with Kona Solids, in the
Concerto pattern designed by Alyssa Lichner of Pile O'Fabric.

I need to actually finish these curtains; it's not that hard, just a couple of hours of sewing. And I should do them before I go away on vacation in early July! Eek!
Sydney Quilt Show
I have two quilts in the show,
Intulawoven and
The Promises Of Spring.
Intulawoven's interest is in the piecing, with an all-over 'fiery curl' stipple that I rather like.

The Promise Of Spring, on the other hand, has a good look on the pieced front, but the focal part is supposed to be the quilting:

This one's going to be difficult to get a good picture - it's white on white, and very difficult to see from the front and under good light! Ah well, hopefully people will stop to look at it and admire the piecing and the quilting. Mostly, I want people to look at my quilts and have a "okay, wow" moment, even if they come to realise it's not technically perfect!
My quilting group - the Sydney Modern Sewists and Quilters group (otherwise known as the Sydney Mod Squad) enters a quilt into the Sydney Quilt Show every year, and this year it looks like our group quilt won a prize! Our president got The Call from the Sydney Quilt Show, asking if someone from our group could be at the presentation to accept the award. So Penny Poppleton (who also got a call for one of her personal quilts entered in the show) will be there to accept our award!
Other Things
With a lot of people coming to Sydney for the Sydney Quilt Show, Gnome Angel and a couple of others organised a meet-up, and added a nametagswap so people could do a bit of swapping, and also have an easy way to ID each other.
This was the one I made for @shoppershaz on Instagram:

And this is the one she made for me!

Look at those legs!
I also am making heart blocks for Orlando.

In the wake of the shooting at Pulse nightclub, the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild announced their intention of giving a quilt each to the survivors, and a quilt each to the families of the dead. Ideally, they'd prefer full quilts, but they're willing to accept blocks, quilt tops, and financial aid to help with the quilting, padding, backing, and binding of the partially-done quilts they receive. Details are
here at the Orlando MQG site and is a way to help out after tragedy.
(Another way you can help out is to vote for the regulation of guns. Not the
removal of the 2nd Amendment but the
regulation of who can buy guns, the process of purchase, and the types of weapons available to the general public - particularly high-powered, swift-firing weaponry - in exactly the same way our societies regulate alcohol consumption, plane travel, and opioid drugs for the general safety of society. It's not a ban, it's a limitation, and it keeps more people alive through the management of otherwise sane and careful people's rights.)
(Yes, I got political. So shoot me. Good luck getting that gun either in or into Australia, though.)
Upcoming Things
So the Sydney Mod Squad is planning for our show quilt next year - a round-robin medallion quilt. And I'm doing the centre. I have a few ideas, need to draft some things, and quite possibly very soon, because I'm going on holidays!
Speaking of holidays, I really need to hurry up and get the pieces of my Passacaglia sorted out, because I'm going to be doing at least a little sewing here and there while on holiday (through Vietnam, Western Europe, and the US).
There are a dozen
Lined Drawstring Bags to make for a bunch of friends I'm meeting up with in Denver, and another quilt I started cutting out because I'm a sucker for a new project. *facepalm*
And I was hoping to get around to making some quilts for the church group heading out to visit some country missionaries, but with everything else on in my life (including the return of client contracts after six months of sporadic work) I'm not going to have the chance. I'd better let the woman I offered them to know.
Just not enough time in the universe for everything.