Some gorgeous quilts at the Sydney Quilt And Craft Show 2011!
I took some photos of my favourites - where the tag is clear, I've got the quilt name and who made it, but sometimes the photo was a bit blurry and the tag wasn't easily seen. I've marked these 'unknown' for the moment, but they were made by someone and if you happen to know, please tell me.
Being me, I went for colour and cut over quilting and stitching. However, the quilting and stitching on all these were amazing and really added to the overall look of the quilt.
The pastels aren't my thing, but the pattern is simple yet very effective - stars on point. (Ohio stars?)
Waste Not Want Not - Jacky Barton
I love the colours in this one - so vibrant and scrappy! Again, a very simple block but a very stunning look!
Luminous Diamonds - Lorna Haigh
HSTs! The black and white 'background' is wonderfully contrasted with the coloured squares.
5. Old Delhi Snake Charmer by Unknown
This deserved a picture simply because the detail made my jaw drop. I'm not an 'art quilter' but I definitely can appreciate the work that's gone into something like this!
As I noted before, I'm usually a colour-and-block kind of quilter. But the quilting on this baby was uh-may-zing! Actually, the quilting on all the quilts in the show were pristine - some very complex and complicated patterns. One had the
teeniest tiniest stitches you ever saw...and I don't think they were machine stitched!
7. Loga-Rhythms - Jennifer Ramsey
The programmer/analyst in me is wondering if there's a secondary meaning in the pattern on this quilt - maybe a shorthand mathematical formulae or something? I love anything artsy that has a 'hidden' secondary message in the design.
Summer Sea(?) by Unknown
This was probably the 'simplest' quilt in the show - but very effective. In the centre of each square was quilted a perfect circle. Beautiful! I gotta try this one myself.
I can't quilt curves to save my life. but I love this design. Love Love Love Love. It's the sunburst pattern and the reds and blues and yellow-oranges all together that get me. Someday...
9. Kyoto - Jackie Barton
Another very simple but very dramatic quilt. I have a bunch of fabrics from the Robert Kaufman Imperial Collection (one of them) and they're due to be made into a quilt for my mum...I was thinking a disappearing nine-patch, but this could work just as well...
11. What Can You See - Natasha Rutter(?)
Once again, so simple and yet so very effective!
16. Soul Searching - Kathy Doughty and Katie Cox
Jelly rolls in black-and-white, and in colours. Another colour contrast one. And the quilting of this was all these lovely swirls which you can just see in the close-up pic.
15. Pinwheel Scrapyard - Judith Thompson(?)
I gotta try this.
29. Convenient Butterfly at the cabin - Jane Griffiths(?)
It's a postage-stamp quilt of sorts! Each block is strip-pieced, nine-square. Looks really good and I love the gradated shading. Another one to try with my voluminous stock of jelly rolls...
23. Behind the Hedge - Marina Dharmides (?)
This quilt got me because it was still made up of squares - but the flowers were designed around and in and through the squares. Art-quilting within's just amazing. And I loved the overall floral pattern.
As for me, I came out of the quilt show with more stash. More pics on that later, perhaps?