Colour Of Magic quilt
Top and backing done! Now to quilt!
I'm going to see if my usual machine-quilter will do this one - the backing may not have enough leeway for her requirements. If not, then I guess it'll be up to me to do the sandwiching and quilting...
The front:

I like the simplicity of the border - more squares, to give it a nice framing. Not sure what colour I'm going to bind it in - may have to hunt up some jelly roll strips in black and purple and greenish-purple-black.
The quilt name is a reference to the first book in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series - thereby betraying my geeky origins. 'The Colour Of Magic' there is described as a colour called octarine which is a greenish-purple colour.
And here's the back!

Gothic Summer Sampler

Not much done on this quilt this week - my attention was mostly taken up by The Colour Of Magic.
The Lucky Pieces block was pleasantly easy, though - just a load of HSTs!

Quilting For Kids
I answered a call for quilters to make blocks for some quilts being put together for a couple of girls in foster care.
The flickr group is called Quilting For Kids:
A star block in pink:

The makings of a star block in purple:

Not sure if the purple is 'purple' enough - most other people seem to have monochrome fabrics for their backgrounds (the stars must be white), while mine are 'mainly purple with a little bit of extra colour'.
Mum's Imperial Quilt
This quilt has been on the 'to do' list for a very long time. And as of yesterday, it moved to the 'WIP list' - so hurray for that!
I promised Mum a quilt a few years ago (oh, heck, I hope it wasn't as far back as when she got married, because that was about 7 years ago...) and found the material a couple of years ago...but never knew what to do with it. I've been through a dozen different possibilities for making up the quilt and discarded each one by one.
Finally, I settled on the Moda Bake Shop Charming Stars Quilt by Stefanie of Little Lady Patchwork - but with more of a deliberate design feel rather than a patchwork feel.
Each block will be a single fabric, and the stars will be a contrasting fabric to the background. I may end up using the panel in there as a highlight - or the panel may end up on the backing. We'll see.

I cut these out and then realised that I needed another FQS of the Imperial Collection to have enough fabric for the design. (One of the reasons why I now by half-yard sets, not FQSs.) So that's on order, and this is on hold!
Harvest quilt
This FQS was bought at least five years ago and has been sitting around, waiting to be used. (I started off buying lots of traditional fabric sets.) My thought for the last few years has been a Scrappy Mountain Majesties as described on Quiltsville, but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't just go for a large-sized hourglass quilt?

Thoughts? Ideas? Advice?
Still to bind
- Shaz & A's "Sunshine And Lollipops"
- three quilts that are coming back to me from Jo of Thirroul Custom Quilting
Planned Works

The Dead Simple QAL
Haven't even started looking at fabrics for this. I'm hoping that they'll hold off until, oh, about October, by which time I'm hoping to have a lot of this stuff done and complete.
And th-th-th-th-th-th-that's all, folks!
If you have the chance (and aren't already doing it, which I suspect most people coming here already are), check out the other WIP Wednesday links over at Freshly Pieced!