HUZZAH! (ie. finished)
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner (a.k.a. "Scrap Attack Quilt", "No Problem, Bitches!" - NPBITC) is done!

It's laid out on what space there is on the lounge room floor and I can't stop staring at it. It looks pretty good, don't you think?
But that border!
There was angst. Angst, and HSTs. And HSTs. And more HSTs. And still more HSTs! I was practically drowning in them. But I got them sewed, snipped the corners, pressed them, and then sewed them in long chains of flying geese...
eta: After I posted this, I hassled the stepdad to hold it up for a better pic:

Most of them came from the Supernova Quilt Along I did last year - those itty bitty corners that got cut off and which I started hand-sewing before I got into making Drunkards Path blocks.
Now I just machine sew them. Faster, neater, more convenient.
...and that's about all I've done this week!
Except receive mail:

At least now I can really get into the Books And Bees Block Party!
Floating Wildflowers: having all kinds of trouble getting the yardage for the backing. I haven't heard back from the shop I found on the internet at all...
Disappearing Square Harvest: Binding. Uh, yeah... *shifty eyes*
Birthday Blocks: There were three for march and I haven't managed to do any of them, although I've let the people know it'll be late.
Books And Bees Block: I owe at least one block (she's been notified of my tardiness) and April is swiftly soaring in. (OMG. It's APRIL??)
Commission - Baby Quilts: a friend of mine asked me to make a couple of baby quilts for her niece and nephew who are to be born in May-June this year. We've done the fabric shopping already, and now it's just the putting together! Which, of course, is the tricky part!

Festival of HSTs:

New York Beauty: I want to do this. I really really do. But I don't really have the space or time right now. And I'm intimidated by the so-beautiful work of others!
And the kittehs say "hi!" Well, one kitteh says hi.
You all know Maladicta, right?

Now that my random yardage has the Mal buttstamp of approval, it is acceptable to snooze upon!

Ah, cats!
So shall we take a squiz at what other people have been doing this week over at WIP Wednesday?