Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WIP Wednesday: the one with lots of cutting!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

In Progress

Eternity Quilt
Laid out the fabrics to get an idea of the colour wheel:

Kona colours

Then pulled them out and started cutting strips:

Sorting strips

Still cutting:

Selvages! Getting there!

I only need a 3" strip from each colour, leaving me the better part of a fat quarter to add to my stash. That's a lot of stash!

So many colours!

And the selvedges cut from the edges - would be a gorgeous quilt! I must do something with this for the end of the year...


Aaaaand we're done!

Eternity quilt strips

I even cut an extra set of 2.5" strips for...another project. I don't know what project yet; I haven't decided. But they're there in case I want to use them!

Now to cut them into triangles lay them out, and sew them into rows! EASY PEASY!

*sound of breaking brain*

Scrap Attack (nobody puts baby in the corner)

I'm planning to quilt this one all myself. I may be crazy.

The front:

Scrap attack

The back:

Back of scrap attack

I've never quilted an entire full-size (well, single) quilt myself. I'd actually like to go with FMQ instead of the usual straight-line quilting. Perhaps in concentric diamonds around the centre?

I'm hoping to have this done for the Bloggers Quilt Festival in Oct/Nov.

Birthday Blocks

So crazily behind on these. This one was for May!

Shooting star block

Yes, I did use a leetle piece of Mendocino Mermaids in there...

I think this one is May, too. Or possibly June?

Strips and squares block

And one for the Books and Blocks Bee organiser, Tracey:

Links block

This one was very easy: she'd cut up the fabrics and sent them over to me, and all I had to do was assemble them! Very very simple!

I managed to get these three put together last night - lots of cutting and sewing, but quite satisfying to get done!

Waiting in the Wings

Stepdad's pillow
Quilted it, but need to stick the pillowslip all together.

Terrain Challenge
On the backburner. Maybe when I need a break from the teeny-tiny piecing involved in the Eternity Quilt. Just needs to be ready for Swap Day at Material Obsession.

What have you done this week? Have you linked up at the Linky Party over at Freshly Pieced?


  1. You really can't go wrong with stacks of solids!

  2. That quilt is incredible!! Nice job!!

  3. Love the rainbow quilt in solids - just stunning!

  4. That is an impressive stack of solids. Can't wait to see the finished project. I love the name of your blog btw.

  5. Oh my the first quilt is going to be amazing. Can't wait to see it. I also love your scrap quilt - what a fun pattern!

  6. The color wheel quilt will be fun to see. And I do love the scrap quilt. Beautiful pattern. I think you just got a new follower!

  7. oh my gosh! I'm especially impressing with the eternity quilt!! That does look like a mind bender of a project getting the fabrics all set up for sewing!! Good luck quilting the big beautiful one also and thanks for linking up to w.i.p. Wednesday, where I'm having the pleasure of guest-hosting!

  8. OOOH all the solids! I love it already.

  9. Wow!! That solid quilt is going to be drop dead gorgeous! Did you buy an entire set of fat quarters just for that quilt? =)

  10. The way the solids are all laid out in the first picture look like the beginning of a fun quilt block.

  11. You will never be at a loss for a colour again. I can't wait to see more photos of this quilt.

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  15. That color! You've been busy! Found you from Lee's love seeing what you're doing!

  16. Your eternity quilt is going to be stunning!

  17. Oh my gosh!! I am so excited to see how your eternity quilt turns out. So beautiful already!


I try to answer every comment made, but if I forget to respond to you, I sincerely apologise! Thanks so much for coming by and commenting!