It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Not much progress this week; I think I'm going to have to accept that pretty much nothing more is going to get done this year on the quilting front. I just don't have the time.
Well, maybe the family's Christmas presents...
Birthday Block: December - Goose Creek
Finally finished the last of the LJ Birthday blocks, albeit extremely late. I won't be participating next year - I have two quilt tops from this block swap (last year, and this year) and haven't yet put them together. Both will need extra blocks from me, I'll probably make them in January.
Scrappy Goose Creek block, for a boy's quilt.

We were asked not to have any pinks, but I figured a single splash won't impugn his masculinity.
Disappearing Charms quilt
Finally bound!

This one has been sitting around, unbound, for the last, oh, year. Possibly more. I just never had the impetus to finish it until now. A friend had a baby shower on the weekend which I couldn't attend, so I finished it up on Sunday and sent it along with another friend.

One baby down, two to go! I'll make a quilt for one, and a bag for baby things for the other. Hopefully before the children turn two! (They've just been born...)
New York Beauty
I only ended up doing six of the ten paper pieced blocks. (Actually, it was only 5, with block #0 being done twice.)

I'm not sure what this is going to be once I quilt it (at home) and binding it - I think It might end up being used as Something For The Kitteh To Colonise. Don't really have anywhere to hang it just yet.
Sydney Modern Quilt Guild - Hexa-Go-Go
Still sewing hexagons!

If you would like to contribute a block to this quilt - whether you're Australian or an international - it would be wonderful if you would mail us at the Sydney MQG (sydneymodernquiltguild at gmail dot com) and we'll send you one of the kits (if you want a particular colour, we should be able to accomodate that). Check this post for details!
In Conclusion
It's been quite a year in my own personal quilt blogosphere - many new subscribers/readers, several new experiences, and a new appreciation for how much time quilting can take from your life!
This will be my last WIP Wednesday - this time next week I shall be leaving on a jet plane to visit my dad in Viet Nam. Looking forward to it. :)
A "best of 2012" post is coming up...just as soon as I sort out the small matter of a graphics editor. (My computer crashed a month ago and I've been working with my business laptop but it's not exactly portable.) I prefer doing it on a graphics editor because I can adjust things like colour and layout and all kinds of things.
Oh, and have some very un-merry kitteh (with cameo from sis):

"Let me dowwwwwn! I want oouuuuuttt!"
In the meantime Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers!