Holy wow, what a week! Here in Australia we had a long weekend public holiday for Australia Day, and I spent a large chunk of it sewing. As a result I have a finish from a 'WIP' that's been around for a couple of years!
Meet the Box Kite block, from Modern Blocks collated by Susanne Woods.

Nice little scrappy block, and my pick for the Books And Blocks Bee - a monthly bee that I joined in 2012. I actually received about 14 of these, because a couple of people said their first attempts weren't good enough and sent me a second block, which was really lovely of them.

I still had to discard one for being just a little too short on the seam allowance, but that was okay, I have plenty of scraps with which to make more!
...maybe too many...

This is what happens when you go through just one of your scrapboxes. I have at least another box, another bag, and a couple of containers of scraps from previous projects! And this isn't counting the very small bits that I'm convinced I could all sew together into a bigmassivehuge scrappy quilt...
And now I have to work out where to put these now that I've organised them; and what to do with these scraps...there's just so many of them. And they breed, I'm sure! *sigh*
Anyway, the idea for this was always to sash the blocks in background fabric, and have dark fabric 'posts' that looks a little like the blocky centres. I think it looks pretty spectacular!

So, need to make a backing and get that done...
In the meantime:
Sunkissed Town Hall

Still don't like the colour scheme very much, but I'm aiming to have it done by the weekend so I can show it off at the Sydney Southern Cross Quilters' group, and at the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild's Super Sew-In. And, I figure, if I get it all done, then it's out of my hair and I can give it away and get onto colour schemes I much prefer!
Shattered Star Quilt
No progress here. Nothing to see...yeah, nope... Maybe on Sunday after the Sydney MQG Sew-In - more on that later!
Simone's Baby Things Bag
Still haven't started the baby things bag - I don't even know if my friend has had her baby yet! *checks FB* Nope, not yet. Should get on that pretty directly, I think!
This was, as far as I'm concerned, quite a success! I got a lot of stuff off to people, and while there's still quite a bit left over, I think I'm going to chop a lot of the yardage up and turn it into smaller colour-packs (and reduce the price).

My sister, upon discovering I'd destashed, looked at what remained and asked, "Are you sure you've already destashed?"
Gee, sis, thanks...
I also bought a few things: mostly books, but a little bit of fabric (to add to collections I already have in FQ bundles): "Scrap Basket Surprises", "Quilts From The House Of Tula Pink", and Angela Walter's "Free Motion Quilting".

To Do:
Sydney MQG: Pickle Dish group quilt (use for those scraps, perhaps?)
Mendocino 2: I still have quite a bit of Mendocino Mermaids left, and I want to use it in square blocks (something that won't waste too much of the fabric) - I was thinking one of the quilts in 'House Of Tula Pink' looks promising. I just have to find a suitable background fabric for the blocks...
And finally...
Sydney Modern Quilt Guild
What: Super Sew-In!
When: Sunday 2nd Feb, 10am-4pm!
Where: Kim Bradley Creations, out Castle Hill way!
Details: More here at the SMQG site - but it's basically a big sew-in with lots of people, lots of chatter, and the opportunity to take a few hours of hardcore sewing time out from the usual distractions of life!
What have you been doing? Did you buy anything from the destash in your country/locale? How are your WIPs?