Partly because now that December is here (what? when? how did it get here so damn fast?) everything is moving towards Christmas. (I just typed "everything is moving towards Christ." Which it is. But we don't usually advertise it. Even at Christmas.) Anyway, I have exchanges up the wazoo to complete, and I can't post photos of them until the recipient receives them!
Also, I suck at adding gifts. I just do. I hate trying to make a decision on what extras to tuck in.
To Do List (the "before Christmas" version)
1. post December AHBC gift
2. make stepbro quilt top
3. quilt stepbro quilt top (Saturday) and bind (next Saturday)
4. make Christmas mug rug swap gift and post
5. make IG mosaic for Aussie Mini Swap (#igminioz )
6. make Christmas gifts for cousins, aunts/uncles, parentals
I think I'll leave the summer organising series to after Christmas.
In the meantime, have a pic of the newest addition to my sewing room: a design board!

Oooh I do love your design board.