But not fabric remorse! (Not yet, anyway!)
Didn't get much done this weekend because I was at a two day course on Serious Backyard Veggies by Milkwood farms, Australia. Maximising veggie growing through organic techniques. Really good, very intensive, and with me getting over a cold. I came home on Saturday night, had a wash, had dinner, lay down...and woke up at 1am to climb properly into bed for the rest of the night.

I'm in Hobart, Tasmania as I type this, for two days of work at the same time as there's a major conference on, which has filled up the town full of people and left me stranded at the casino hotel.
With this view:

I have Friday off and while my quilt shopping will not be as exciting as those of us at QuiltCon, I'm kind of looking forward to it.

Even if the aesthetic in the shops will probably be traditional.
Supernova Friendship
And we are done with the Supernova Friendship blocks! Holy moly. I am, if not the worst swapper ever (I do send my stuff eventually and I stuff bonuses in there) then certainly one of the less timely ones...

Moving in the middle of all that did not help my brain at all.

Neither does the discovery that I cannot make myself do an analogous colour scheme. Or, I can, but I don't like it.
We picked blue, green, and yellow as our colours - lovely scheme, right? Unfortunately, looking at my blocks, I've realised that my instinctive lean towards a complementary aesthetic hijacked my colour choices. I don't need to point my blocks out to you - you can guess which ones simply based off the colours in them!

I think I'll streak the border with reds/purples. Rainbow all the way, baby!
I've started the Technicolor Galaxy, which is an amazing quilt designed by Alyssa Lichner of Pile o' Fabrics.
My colour plan:

The centre bit is going to be against a black background with really saturated colours that pop, and each subsequent ring will be a little lighter (but not much, at most, I think it might reach shades of Kona Coal.
I'm calling it "Duct Tape (or The Force)" - or, there's a light side (the back), a dark side (the front), and it holds the galaxy together!
Birthday Swaps
Yes, I am horrendously behind. January hasn't received her present yet. (Sorry, Leonie.) I'm just...hung about what to do! Which is ridiculous, and I've sat down several times in the last month to start putting something together and then got distracted and eep and ugh and it'll never be good enough and I really need to get in my brain and whack some of those brainweasels. They do me no good at all.
Have plan. Needs pressing.
I think I have someone who's willing to draft the Snowflake Block into a paper-piecing pattern! If so...woohoo!
I've decided my Tula Pink Mini is going to be with Fox Field.

And they'll get some Neptune with it. :)
Going Nowhere
- Millefiori Madness
- Swarm
To Do This Week
- birthday swaps! MUST DO THESE.
That's the only thing I'm going to put on here. Because it's the one thing I really need to get my ass moving on.
Linking up to WIP Wednesday at
Freshly Pieced!