Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIP Wednesday: the one with pattern testing!

Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate it!

My family pretty much just have a family dinner and that's about the extent of it; we're not at all superstitious, and while my grandmother kept the cultural traditions, we tend to only carry them on in her memory.

So there was dinner with my parents and some family friends. Not as much food as usual, in fact. Which is fine. One can eat too much.

Chinese New Year

But I did learn how to make Tzin Dui - deep fried glutinous rice balls filled with red bean paste.

Chinese New Year

Inching along! Some progress on a few things that I've been working on for far too long!


Sunkissed Town Hall

I've been working on it for at least a couple of months, but I finally got it done! Hurray!

sunkissed quilt


Shattered Star Quilt

So, pattern testing. I am the wrong person to pattern test, because I don't follow instructions very well. And I think we developed a small problem where I was using fat quarters, but the pattern assumed yardage, so I'm a little short.

And then I didn't count how many blocks I had.

shattered star - blocks

But I did discover an error in the actual pattern!

And so now it's time to rectify things. And do the counting. And hope that I haven't miscounted somewhere else along the way!

shattered star - recalculated blocks

But it's otherwise coming along quite nicely!

shattered star - points

Simone's Baby Things Bag

Yeah, nope. Baby was born on Friday, still haven't done anything about this bag. BAH.


Last few things from the Great Aussie Destash!

great Aussie destash

great Aussie destash

great Aussie destash

And some fabric from Hawthorne threads:

fabric from Hawthorne threads

fabric from Hawthorne threads

(Still) To Do:
Sydney MQG: Pickle Dish group quilt (use for those scraps, perhaps?)
Sydney Quilt Show Quilt: I still haven't decided what I'm going to do about this. I need to hurry up!

And finally...

The Sydney Modern Quilt Guild sew-in was great fun - six women, five machines, and lots of sewing and chatting and getting things done without any distractions!

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