January's Birthday Block for aphoenixrain:

It's late. I know. Later even than I expected, because the instructions told me to cut 3.5" squares to make 2.5" HSTs... That's way more fabric wastage than I was willing to condone.
The result? A spare 32 3" HSTs. Which will probably be turned into another scrap quilt.
Two Strong Hearts
A block I designed and put together for V-Day, along with a post of my thoughts on "that word, say it clear now, L-O-V-E - LOVE!" and how it is most miserably abused on the 14th February.

They're probably the forerunner blocks of a heart quilt, made out of the Dazzle fabric line by Melissa Averinos (for Andover Fabrics).
Still On The Move
Laptop case
a.k.a. "the oopsie of the TARDIS laptop case"
It should have been easy - simple instructions from Cassie Barden's "the new Handmade" book, cut pieces, sandwich and sew, turn and iron, attach and finish, TA-DA!
Due to a "clerical error" of calculation brought on by my fevered brain at 10pm at night...I made the inside bigger than the outside:

Lacking the Gallifreyan technology capable of making the laptop case bigger on the inside (or Hermione Granger to hand with some handy charms), I'm going to cut the inside down to fit the outside.
Unfortunately, it will then no longer fit my laptop.
Guess I'm making two of these babies...
All Askew
Blocks! Lots and lots of Dirty Dancing blocks! (Because nobody puts baby in the corner!)

Enough to make a quilt top? Hm. That's another question.

I'll start sewing this one together this week. Since we're doing kitchen renovations, the room where I do my sewing is about to become a makeshift kitchen. So laying out big quilt stuff will be out of the question.
Oh drat. I'll have to tidy up my scraps. Again.

It's going to need borders, isn't it?
Modern Traditions
I've known Simone for at least fifteen years now - since we first started playing hockey together at uni. She's one of those friends with whom I just slip back into sync with, not worrying too much about the time apart.
And she's getting married in April.
I promised her a quilt for her birthday several years ago and never delivered. (Bad Sel! BAD!)
Her hubs-to-be is a lovely guy from out the country - a farmer. Yes, she is literally going to be a farmer's wife. In a rural area. With 90 acres of land, two dogs, three hundred sheep, and hay bales. No, I am not going to make her a farmer's wife quilt. Although that would be amusingly appropriate, I can't quite manage to summon the wherewithal to actually make all the blocks and put them together.
Having been to her house - a rather traditional-style house - I thought a quilt made of traditional fabrics would be the go to suit the house.
Just perhaps with a slightly more modern block?

That's a mock-up with the layer cakes and charm squares. The fabric line is Wildflower Serenade II and it's a very traditional fabric. While it may not 'pop' the way the bright colours do, I'm hoping the finished quilt will still be a stunner.
I'm a little curious, though: is it possible to make a "modern quilt" with traditional fabrics? Are there blocks or designs that are particularly "modern"?
A post with musings in later.
Anyway, that's it for me! Go check out the other WIP Wednesday posts at Freshly Pieced!
love the dirty dancing quilt top- very pretty!
ReplyDeleteLove your scrappy quilt top. It's wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI am LOVING your scrappy quilt! Isn't it amazing how well such a mish mash of fabrics can go together?
ReplyDeleteGreat quilts. I like the one with the traditional fabrics. It still looks modern. When I think of modern I think of "abstract" more than just rows of blocks.
ReplyDeleteGreat use of your scraps!
ReplyDeletelove the Bear Paw block...and the scrappy top
ReplyDeleteOh my that quilt top is just awesome! Wow!