Linking up to Lily's Quilts' March Small Blog Meet.
One of the things I remember reading about the internet in the early 2000s was about the behaviour of people as the internet grew larger.
Although there was more content - more sites, blogs, and data than anyone could ever track - the internet world was most likely going to be dominated by one or two behemoths: an internet site oligopoly.
As an example, name me eight social networking sites not including Facebook or Twitter.

I'm waiting!
Still waiting!
If you got eight then very well done! If not, you've got lots of company. I don't think I could name eight social networking sites without including FB or Twitter. And the truth is that a lot of those I could name are now dead or dying.

The truth is that most industries, trades, and organisations - including the internet - are dominated by a couple of big names who are followed throughout their area of specialisation, and a lot of others who have a handful of people following them but nobody else really cares much.
And so it is with the blogosphere. We all follow those famous people with hundreds, nay, thousands of followers. But there are thousands of us who will never be heard beyond the occasional peep.
Hence, the Liebster Blog Award, to promote bloggers with less than 200 followers.

I haven't been able to discover the origins of the Liebster Blog Award - the nature of it is a network of links going back and back and back and back for years.
The requirements of acceptance of the Liebster ("beloved") Blog Award are simply these:
• Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
• Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
• Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
• Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed. (Some say just 3 or more blogs of less than 200 followers each).
• Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.
I was nominated by Marjorie of Marjorie's Busy Corner who's a wonderfully skilled quilter, who does all kinds and types of quilts - simple, yet stunning. It's definitely a great compliment to have been noticed by her! Thank you so much, Marjorie!
My three Liebster Awards go to:
Susan's Patchwork Blog: Susan is a personal friend who I met through other interests - sci-fi/fantasy shows, in fact. She does a handful of small projects very slowly, but she does things carefully, methodically, and with a delicate skill!
Penny Poppleton: Penny is another personal friend who somehow juggles having a six month old baby with quilting, house renovation, writing, and a husband. She's been my fabric ennabler and quilting companion for the better part of the last nine months and her work is always fresh and bright!
Pinky-ing: Pinky is the organiser of the Sydney branch of the Modern Quilt Guild, along with her friend Suz. I met her through the local Sydney Southern Cross Quilter's Guild and we've been doing a little bit of "sewing out" (like hanging out, but with sewing) every couple of weeks with Penny, and Pinky's friend K.
So go check out these ladies, and friend them if you like their work! Pinky and Penny are having a Nicey Jane Finish First Mini Quilt showdown ("There can only be one!") and it promises to be very good fun!