I have decided to sew one seam a day. At least. If I do more, then great. But
otherwise, one seam a day. One thing a day, whether that's hemming
handkerchiefs or stitching binding together.
Hemmed hankies, made from spare squares of fabric around the place
Also: an overflowing scrap box. Need to cut those up and stuff them into the pouffle.
I have applied to go to a Bridgerton garden party in Bowral (which is right in
the middle of the holidays, I think) and I don't have any Regency clothes at
I would really like to make:
1. a Regency corset
2. a day dress
3. an evening dress
4. a
I mean, this is wishful thinking: I have a little over ONE WEEK in which to do
any of it. I have no patterns, I have made no muslins, I have no time.
Frankly, even just getting the evening dress done would probably be nearly
But I do have fabric. Lots of it. A lovely two-tone cotton weave (not quite
the colour for a day dress, but possibly a riding habit). A
gorgeous emerald green-black dupion silk (I found it at a Pitt Fabric
store one year during the Sydney Craft And Quilt Show and bought the bolt).
And a green lace so dark it's almost black.
The light doesn't show the colour very well. But they look really good in sunlight!
There's the blue-black chiffon (probably poly) and the mustard-and-violet
chiffon (actual silk!) and a maroon crepe de chine (actualy, that could work
for a day dress, although, again, not quite the right colour), and assorted
cotton voiles and lawns that would probably work quite well (although they're
prints, not solids, obviously).
One of the things I find absolutely mind-boggling today is how casually I have
more fabric than a modiste of the Regency could have ever afforded. It's less
susceptible to mould and decay and wearing and fray, and with some care, it
might last for another fifty years.
Done: Cut strips for red bindings.
To do: cut morestrips for red bindings.
I went to the Saturday morning sewing group meeting for the first time in a couple of months. There were a decent number of people there, and it was a lovely sunny day after having had an exceedingly wet and rainy Friday ("rain bomb"). I dragged along all the components of my Restless Hands Of Sel quilt and did some more work on it.

I sorted out which stars were next on the list, and sewed some of the columns together, which was quite satisfying.
One problem I'm having, though: I can't find where I put the fabric pieces I was using. When I went on holidays last year, I took with me one of the bags that I'd been using to house them and...stuffed the rest into a ziplock bag. Which I then mailed home with a bunch of heavy winter clothing I wasn't going to need while in Hawaii--
Okay, so now I have an idea of what happened to them, but I still can't remember where they are... Wait. Found them!
LOL. Thank you so much for helping me jog my memory as to where everything is.
What if I got you guys reading this to vote on what I should do next?