Day One: Take a "before" picture and list your works in progress

So, having just moved, I had the time/space to start setting things up in a way that works for me.
I'm about halfway there.
The 5x5 Expedit was a lucky 2ndhand purchase on Ebay - I probably should have paid a lot more for it! But it's perfect for the corner and for storage. The Horn cabinet is a bit old and some parts of the plastic rim around the platform are cracking off, so I'll need to work out how to fix or replace this.
I like the way the storage is next to the large cutting mat and the large cutting mat is next to the window, but I have a little 'table' at my elbow, thanks to the Horn cabinet, and I need a smaller cutting mat that fits nicely on there. The one i have there right now is too large and I keep bumping into it when I'm turning around to iron.
I like having the iron directly behind my sewing station so I can just swivel around and iron seams.
You can't see it from here, but the Horn cabinet shelving is not very good - fixed, rectangular, and kind of pokey. There are not apparently any specific spaces for thread spool storage. This is a problem! In fact, the cabinet has several design issues but I got it cheap, so what can you do? (Well, apart from selling it and buying a new one.)
I want a design wall up on the corner, and preferably some shelving. Ideally, shelving that the cats can't jump on. Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. But the design wall, at least!
So that's the before pic. It's fairly neat, but not that well organised. I have to think about what is where, and most of my fabric is not on display, which, again, can be a problem.
Displaying/sorting/filing the fabric is a big issue for me. If I don't know what I have then I buy more of it, and I'm out of space.
- Honey Honey
- Mendocino Mermaids (quilting by me)
- Rainbow Charms (quilting by me)
- Farmhouse (quilting by me)
- USA Hurray (quilting by Jo)
- Pantone Quilt Challenge (quilting by Jo)
- King of Bling (red letter day) (quilting by Jo)
- Shattered Star (quilting by Jo)
- millefiori madness
- Build Me Up Buttercup (requires borders)
- Expanding Horizons (around the world quilt - the old one) (requires borders)
- supernova friendship block quilt (blocks)
- batik log cabin blocks (blocks)
- 2 Camille Roskelley block quilts (pieces cut)
- snowflake quilt (blocks)
- Valley of the Kings (blocks)
- Swarm (blocks)
- Starry Starry Night (foundation paper piecing)
- Rainbow Selvages (foundation block selvages)
- Patchwork Hearts (cushions)
- Vietnamese silk quilt
- Aviatrix Medallion quilt (scrappy fabric collections)
- Heather Ross: Imagine Greater (loose log cabin)
- Magic Stars by Aneela Hoey (Cuzco layer cake)
- baby quilt for Teddy W (Riley Blake's
pirates in a Magic Stars pattern?)
- Chinoiserie quilt cover
- ALL THE SCRAP QUILTS EVER (I think I should put 'Scraps. Inc.' on my Christmas wish-list. And run a InstascrapQAL in 2015.)
- Juliet Dress in Washi Tape Fabrics
- slip-on dresses in Joel Dewberry's Heirloom and Notting Hill
- Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger messenger bag
- at least one Sew Sweetness bag from her book